Beneficial effects of dates
Beneficial effects of dates:
By Dr.Kanthimathi
Scientifically proven health benefits of dates:
-Contain sugar ( yields energy )
-Good source of fibre ( promotes digestion, prevents constipation and reduces the absorption of LDL cholesterol )
-contain vitamins
( vitamin A - for good vision and skin
Vitamin K - to fight against infection and inflammation
Vitamin C - to improve immune system)
-Densely packed with potassium, magnesium, iron manganese, copper , selenium and zinc that are good for heart, bone and overall health.
-Rich in antioxidants
(flavonoids, carotenoids and phenolic acids that are useful in diabetic and cancer patients)
-Contains significant amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fat and provide the corresponding effects on the body.
Advisable regular daily intake of dates is 2-4 in quantity.