Ginger and diabetes - benefits and side effects/risks
Ginger and diabetes - benefits and side effects/risks By Dr. Kanthimathi Ginger is more known for its benefits than side effects. Benefits: Ginger has a very low glycemic index and can be used to control diabetes. Researchers from the university of Sydney, Australia found that ginger component in ginger extract can increase uptake of glucose without using insulin; can be useful in controlling high blood sugar level. According to clinical researches conducted in 2015, (2 grams were given for 12 days to the participants) the following results were found: Lower levels of: Haemoglobin A1c Apolipoprotein B Apolipoprotein A1 Malondialdehyde According to research on rats in 2016, the following effects were seen: -Protection against heart problems -Anti inflammatory properties that could prevent complications of diabetes. A study published in 2010 edition of molecular vision reveals that regular small dose of ginger delayed the onset and progression ...