How does physical exercise helps brain health and memory

How does physical exercise helps brain health and memory.
By Dr. Kanthimathi 

Evidence keeps mounting that physical exercise is good for brain health.
It can lower the risk of Alzheimer 's disease and may slow down brain age by 10 yrs.

Study from Stockholm reveals that exercises increase heart rate and pump more blood to brain. Induce more cell growth in hippocampus, an area of brain responsible for learning and memory. 

Effects of physical exercises on brain:
-reduces insulin resistance and inflammation 
-Stimulates the release of:
-brain cells growth factors, 
-New blood vessels in the brain and 
-abundance and survival of new brain cells.
-Reduces stress and anxiety 
-Improves mood and sleep.

Regular sweaty exercise increases not only new cell growth but also connections in between cells ; thereby improves memory .

Researchers found that aerobics exercises like running , swimming and dancing appear to be the best for brain health. They improve 
-a person's cognitive function;
-resistance training can enhance a person's executive function and memory.
-The protein BDNF(brain derived neurotrophic factor) helps repair and protect the brain cells from degeneration.
-Exercise also boosts the mood by releasing feel - good hormones and chemicals like endorphins for brain health.

Ultimately researchers conclude that 45-60 minutes of moderate vigorous aerobic exercise is good for brain health and memory 

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